Thursday, November 17, 2011

Welcome to our Sweet Baby Girl!

We are very pleased to announce the arrival of the newest little Hooah.  We haven’t come up with a great nickname for her yet, but we’ve been calling her Sweet Baby Girl for now.  But, to be fair, she really is the sweetest little girl ever.  Her spirit and joy shine through despite the rough ride she’s had since her arrival. 
Our Sweet Baby Girl decided to make her arrival on November 16th.  With two uneventful pregnancies and a totally boring medical history, I figured she would be a cake walk. I was praying that I’d go into labor naturally because I didn’t want to deal with another induction.  (Side note: Be careful what you ask for, because He does listen.  The answers just may not be what you want!)   I’ll post her full Birth Story later when things settle down.  She arrived by emergency c-section at 1:17pm.  I had a placental abruption and had an emergency c-section because she was in some distress and I was bleeding heavily.  We didn’t get to see her because they took her away so fast.  We were told that she stopped breathing after she was born. She was intubated, placed on a ventilator and transported to the Children’s Hospital where they have a Level 3 NICU. I am still at the Army hospital where she was born.  I have two cell phone photos of her that Soldier was able to snap when they took him to see her in the NICU before she was transported. I want to be with her so much. I breaks my heart that she's so tiny, alone, fighting to breathe, maybe hurting and that I can't comfort her.  I've tried to sleep but only managed about two hours. I just can't stop thinking about her and praying that she's doing ok.  I've been awake all night, holding my own vigil for her and willing her to fight.

Sweet Baby Girl, 1 hour old:


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