Saturday, January 19, 2013

Make time for SOMETHING: Body Image Pt 2

As I wrote the other day, I’ve become very convicted that my lifestyle is not as healthy as it should be.  I’m not calling this a New Year’s Resolution because I hate them…I never keep it up and then it implies I must wait until January to try again. Failure on whatever I undertake is inevitable.  No, that’s not being a Debbie Downer, it’s just realistic. If I set a goal of eating no sugar or making it to the gym three times a week, I’m going to slip and eat a cookie.  Maybe twelve.  I’m going to miss a day at the gym, probably because I’m sick or have a sick kid, or maybe all at once.  And, honestly, I’ve tried to figure out how to revamp my weekly routine to fit in gym time three times a week and I am truly at a loss. I applaud those of you that manage this because I know that if I tried, it would be unsustainable. I’d go all-in for the first week or two and then fall off hard when I hit a bump. To take a page from the annoyingly-perky FlyLady, my perfectionism is crippling me.

So, I’m NOT setting a goal to run a 5K.  I’m NOT pledging to make it to the gym once, twice or three times a week.  I’m NOT embarking on a 30 day workout or a 30 day diet overhaul.  I’m NOT doing it because I know I will get discouraged waaaaaaay before that. 

My goal is to do SOMETHING.  Because SOMETHING is better than nothing. Maybe I will be super motivated and actually set foot in the fitness center on post.   Maybe I will make time for a DVD workout with the littles….they do get a big kick out of it.  Maybe I will throw some kettlebells and practice Olympic lifts with soldier. But, maybe I will do [baby]weighted squats holding a grouchy DeeDee while I make dinner.  Maybe I will sneak in a few stretches as I sit on the floor playing babydolls or trains.  I might even work in a few pushups while I pick up Legos each night.  Just, please, don’t peek on us through the windows because that probably looks like a whole lotta strange. 

I have some fitness fanatic friends [and a husband] that would argue this is not enough.  And, I agree, it’s not and I’m not going to look like Jillian Michaels or her fabulously toned assistants.  But, for me…it’s enough. I simply want to look back at the week and be happy because because I did SOMETHING, which is an improvement over NOTHING.   

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