We are celebrating our Sweet Baby Girl's First Birthday soon! The poor child has a very odd nickname around the house: DeeDee Baby. DeeDee has pretty much nothing to do with her name. It is a shorted version of Bunny Girl's mangled pronunciation of her new sisters name...Dee-Dee-Yay-Yah. And, no there are no Ds or Ys in her actual name, which is why it was so funny to us. A year later, DeeDee seems to have stuck as a nickname. Monster Boy and Bunny girl refer to her as their little Deeders. Though, I think I prefer DeeDee, if she has to have a nickname. (For those of you that know me, you know how I feel about nicknames and why!)
I was recently invited to attend the AWAG conference up in Ansbach on behalf of the National Military Family Association. It's about a hour and a half from where we are. I really loved zooming up the autobahn to get there! Manning a resource table at a conference can be a little tedious. It's a lot of work to set up, a lot of standing/waiting/boredom, while the attendees are in their sessions and then 10 or 15 minutes of busy when everyone is on break. However, I was reminded how much I really enjoy interacting with spouses, talking with them about their military life experiences and sharing resources.
We took a weekend trip to the Garmish-Partenkirchen area earlier this month, too. More on that later!
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