I’ve meticulously planned out my carry-ons. (Neurotic, yes. But, it makes me feel like I can manage
this.) I normally travel with just a backpack
and the two big kids’ toddler-sized backpack but I feel like I need extra supplies since this is such a long trip. (I'm calculating about22 hours total: 2 hours of drive time, 6 hours of "wait", 8 hours of flight time, 2 hours to get luggage, potty and grab lunch and then 4 hours of drive time to our new home.)
Here’s the run down:
Mommy Back Pack (under the seat for easy, in-flight access)
- snacks (4 servings each: peanut butter packets, fruit squeezies, crackers, cheerios, bib, baby food etc)
- Water bottles (for Bunny Girl and Monster Boy)
- Baby toys
- Kindle (Hey, a Mom can dream, right?)
- Emergency packet of formula and a bottle (In case SBG really does nurse all night long!)
- Toiletry basics (tooth brushes, compact, lip balm, contact solution, eye glasses and a comb)
- Diapers, wipes and spare outfit for SBG
- Wallet/Passports/Army Travel Documents/Cell Phone
Spinner Light Weight Carry-On (I purchased this just for the
flight. It’s super light-weight and
rolls so easily that Monster Boy could easily push it if needed. The plan is to
unpack what I need for the flight at the beginning and then stash it in the
overhead for the remainder.)
- Spare clothes for ALL of us. (On a 12 hour trip, someone is bound to dump something on themselves and me!)
- Travel pillows & blankets for the kids
- Seahorses (the big kids' bedtime "soothers")
- More food (Duplicate of what’s in the backpack for an emergency)
- Laptop
- Jewelry/Valuables
Kids Backpacks: (Bunny Girl and Monster Boy each have a
wheeled toddler backpack)
- “Airplane Toys” Yes, I bribe my kids on the plane. Before a big trip, we pick out one small, new toy to play with on the airplane. I stash it away until that moment of desperation on the plane. Works like a charm!
- A couple of toys of their choosing
- Crayons
- Coloring/Activity/Sticker Books
- iPod/Headphones (They only use these during big trips so when I pull them out, there’s a major NOVELTLY factor here. Awesome. And, I splurged and picked out a couple of new movies for this trip.)
will also have my trusty travelling companion BOB with me. He’s big and strong, can carry heavy loads
when I get tired and is great at keeping the kids under control. (BOB…Revolution
Duallie.) He will be carting Sweet Baby
Girl’s infant carrier car seat.
that’s the round-up: BOB, carseat, a wheeled carry-on, a backpack, two
toddler backpacks, a four year old, a two year old, a nine month old and one FRAZZLE MOMMY.
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