On Sunday, when we picked up BunnyGirl from Children's Church, she came out to show off her artwork from that morning. When I admired her art, my motherly admiration turned to shock when I realized she had written her name at the top of her paper. All. By. Herself. Seriously. I was simply blown away. She had the right letters, in the right order, in a straight line and it was quite legible. She even remembered to capitalize the first letter.
Look, I know my kid is not the first to write her name. But, I'm thrilled over this. We have LABORED, and I mean HARD LABOR, over our handwriting for the last six weeks. There were tears, frustration and anger; from her, from me, from both of us sometimes. I struggled with explaining things to her. She struggled with understanding what I wanted. We're just both so new to this that we're learning together. She has a tremendous heart and kept trying, even when she was discouraged and frustrated. Even when I begged her to give it a break because I was pulling my hair out over the letter A that looked more like an H. She's got the desire to learn and WANTS to do so much but she just needs some foundation first. I've found teaching her cute little preschool self much harder than the Kinder and 1st Grade work I'm doing with MonsterBoy and I think it's because she wants to race ahead and I forget that she needs the basics. We struggled so much that I literally could not bring myself to make the phone call withdrawing her from the very popular preschool program until the week after school started. (Yes, I'm terrible and I'm very sorry to the parents that we waiting and hoping for her coveted morning 3yo slot!)
So, tonight I celebrate this victory, a neat little name written at the top of her paper. I'm so proud of my determined little BunnyGirl.
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