Saturday, August 10, 2013

Week One Down

We survived week one. I have no clue whether or not learning is happening but we are getting work done and everyone seems happy and excited. The kiddos woke up on Saturday morning asking to do Mommy School. (Today's Lesson: Definition of SATURDAY! Mama's off duty!)

Seriously, though, I'm thrilled with their enthusiasm and couldn't resist their pleas for MORE SCHOOL!  We read from some of their books. (They are currently obsessed with the first Boxcar Children book.)

We also played around with the math manipulatives set I bought for the Saxon Math.  Yes, I know I could have pieced it together from stuff here at home or bought it piece meal, but I need EASY right now!

I also purchased the Well Planned Day at the recommendation of several friends.  I have all these lovely lesson plans, but still find myself flipping madly through binders trying to remember what it is we were supposed to be doing that morning.  I'll be giving it a whirl next week.  I spent about 90 minutes this morning jotting notes in it on next week's lesson plan and shuffling some lessons around. If anything, forcing myself to sit and really read over the lessons ahead of time was probably very useful.

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