Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I realized it's been  a long time in between posts.  I have no big thoughts today, just tidbits:

1. Someone must be secretly filming a Bounty commercial in my house because all I’ve done today is dash around with paper towels and clean up spectacular messes.

2. I love conversations with my 2 year old because it’s so interesting to see what’s going on in there.  I love conversations with my 4 year old because it’s still fascinating to see how his mind works.

3.  I’m completely unbiased and can say that SBG is about the sweetest, most well-behaved baby ever. (Sorry, Monster Boy and Bunny Girl.  I said this about you at one point, too!)  Really, she is so mellow and has such big sunshine smiles! 

4. God is working on me again.  I’m seeing that my schedule and my service to the many organizations is detrimental to my family.  My children and my husband are my first ministry.  If I can’t serve them, then I shouldn’t be serving anyone else.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

RFO Is Comin' to Town

[Sung to the tune of Santa Claus is Comin' to Town...slightly out of season, but whatever.]

We're making our list and we're checking it twice!
Will Branch Manager be Naughty or Nice?
The RFO is coming to town!

He sees that we want Benning,

He sees we hate Irwin.
He sees that we are at Fort Bliss,
So be GOOD for goodness sake.

We're making our list and we're checking it twice!
Will Branch Manager be Naughty or Nice?
The RFO is coming to town!
 Yes, it's that time again when all Military Famlies anxiously await word of where their new home will be.  We've sent in our "Wish List" though I sometimes think that list is used in some perverse game of "Let's See What NOT to Give Them."   

Stay tuned!