I know it's time to vacuum under my couches, TV stand, and other furniture when the Lego box hits the half-full mark. It’s not my favorite chore since it involves this pregnant lady crawling and laying on the floor to peer under furniture, a fair amount of dust and carpet fuzz and the vacuum. It’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it!
I’m sitting here surveying my findings from tonight’s work and thought I’d share the final tally:
10 toy cars (yes, 10...and he didn't notice they were missing)
48 Legos (that's a full starter package from the store!)
2 Little People (not my children, the PlaySkool type)
3 pieces of Little People furniture(ditto)
4 balls
2 golf balls (I blame these on Soldier Boy)
2 books
2 Lincoln Logs
3 fake food items
2 books
1 toy train
2 foam blocks
Bunny Girl’s pink sunsuit (I have no explanation for this one)
Household 6’s missing croc (Thank goodness, I've been missing my crocs!)
1 box of alphabet flashcards
1 dirty sock
1 unopened bag of animal crackers (Again...no explanation. At least they were still sealed.)
1 IR flag (Only in an Army family)
1 name tape (ditto)
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